I really do believe that these world of witches, wizards, vampires, shadowhunters, werewolves, love, adventure and what not are taking over my life. My mind is constantly thinking of these places from movies and books that I sometimes forget to live my own life. So now I'm an eighteen year old who is happiest spending all day every day watching Disney films or catching up on the latest episode of 'The Originals' while the world passes me by.
By getting absorbed into these worlds I can forget my own problems or my own life and start obsessing over the problems of the characters even though THEY ARE NOT REAL! Just yesterday I watched Beauty & The Beast for the first time in years and now it's all I can think about. The story, the characters, the songs. While I love this obsession with fiction and stories, sometimes I do worry that it will take over my life to the point where I won't even care about what happens in my life but rather care about these characters and their worlds and problems more. I don't know. Maybe I'm being dramatic and should embrace this passion.
Do you ever get completely absorbed into the world of fiction? To the point where it's all you think about? I'd love to hear your opinion and personal experience. Leave a comment below.